Boys Volleyball

Welcome to the world of boys volleyball! Boys Volleyball is now a sanctioned sport for UHSAA - that means by the 2023-2024 school year, you will see boys volleyball games at your local high schools! This is an exciting time and with that; Club V is known for developing some of the best athletes in the country. So if you are interested in becoming the best version of yourself, keep scrolling and we’ll guide you through this world of volleyball.

The Landscape of Boys Volleyball

If you are interested in playing boys volleyball, currently there are not a lot of opportunities to do so. From the ages of 6-12 years old, your only option is to play in your local rec league and it is typically coed. From 12-18 years of age, there are a bit more opportunities to play but not much. You can play on a club team (there are only about 80 in Utah) or you can play on your local high school club team (only a few high schools throughout Utah do that). Beyond that, there aren’t any leagues or avenues for boys to play volleyball throughout the entire year… until now.

Future of Boys Volleyball

Due to the sanctioning of high school boys volleyball, boys now have avenues to play competitive volleyball year round. Whether you are age 5 or looking to play college volleyball, there are now opportunities to play against other athletes locally as well as nationally. A typically season will now look like this:

February - May - High School Volleyball (club spring season for those not playing high school)

May - July - Club Nationals & Summer Training

August - January - Fall Club Season


Beginners. Ages 6-14. Year Round Programming.

The Academy is designed for athletes who are new to the world of volleyball who would like to try it out without the cost or commitment.

Boys Club Tryouts